While in Step Sequencer mode, the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 will exhibit the following display behaviour: Digital Display Step Sequencer Display on the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Release the SHIFT button to hide the swing parameter. The swing value will be shown in the digital display. Hold down the SHIFT button and press the CAPTURE or TYPE buttons to increase / decrease the swing parameter (in percentage).Return the knob to its middle position to disengage the filter. Move any of the FILTER knobs on top of the KONTROL F1 to set the filter cutoff.The effect will only apply to the currently selected sample (column). Press SHIFT + the same button again to disengage the FX Send. Hold down the SHIFT button and press any of the four STOP buttons (bottom row) to engage the FX Send from an FX Unit.Turn the encoder above the BROWSE button to shorten / lengthen the size of the step sequencer (2 step is the lowest, 16 steps is the highest possible size).If no other sample has been stored, turning the encoder will have no effect. Hold down the SHIFT button and move the encoder above the BROWSE button to select another sample stored in the same column of the Remix Set.Move any of the 4 volume faders to control the volume of each sample (column).Press the pad again to remove the sample. When the playhead reaches that step, the sample will play back. Press any pad in the pad area to set the sample in the corresponding step of the sequencer.The corresponding button will light up and you will be able to operate the Step Sequencer for the currently selected sample. Press any of the four STOP buttons (bottom row) to select and set the focus on a specific sample (columns).Operating the Step Sequencer with the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 The display and operation on the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 will be explained in the next sections. Press the play button of the Remix Deck either per mouse click or per MIDI / keyboard control.Finally, make sure that none of the samples (columns) is muted by hovering with your mouse over the waveform display and making sure that the MUTE button for all four samples is not active.This step is required in order for the samples of the Sequencer to be plaid back correctly. Now the pads on the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 should all be lit in the same color and the display should show a number between 2 and 16.

Once a Remix Set has been loaded or once you have filled your empty Remix Set with your own samples, press SHIFT+ BROWSE on the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 in order to load the Step Sequencer mapping (User Mapping).Make sure that the Deck which is in the focus of the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 controller has been set to Remix Deck by clicking on the Deck letter and selecting Remix Deck.For this, make sure that the option User Map is selected under Preferences > Traktor Kontrol F1 > MIDI Mode Type. Note: The switch to the Step Sequencer user mapping on the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 is only possible if the corresponding option has been set in the TRAKTOR Preferences. Now the Step Sequencer mapping has been succesfully loaded and can be found in the Device drop-down menu as 1.User mapping. In the example below, we are choosing the mapping for Deck C, since we will use the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 to control the Step Sequencer from Remix Deck C. From the drop-down menu, select Import TSI > Native Instruments > F1 Step Sequencer *Deck of your Choice*.Go to TRAKTOR Preferences > Controller Manager.Make sure your TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 controller is connected and recognized in TRAKTOR.Unlike the TRAKTOR KONTROL S8 / D2 controllers, it is necessary to load and engage the Step Sequencer mapping manually for the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 controller: Note: The Step Sequencer mode of the Remix Decks is meant to be used with one-shot samples only (kick, snare, hi-hat, sound FX, etc.) and not with loops.

For an explanation on how to use the Step Sequencer with the TRAKTOR KONTROL S8 / D2 controller, please consult this article. This article explains the Step Sequencer workflow for the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 controller. The Step Sequencer can be controlled natively with the TRAKTOR KONTROL S8 / D2 / F1 controllers and can be mapped to any third-party MIDI controller. TRAKTOR 2.11 introduces a Step Sequencer mode for the Remix Decks.